Toilet Training Visuals - PDF Version

Regular price £10.00
We've been working hard behind the scenes here at Create Visual Aids to bring you a set of toilet training visuals and they are finally ready!
This is a fantastic set of visuals that show someone, step by step, how to use the toilet. The set comes in three options:
- toilet training
- toilet training with a step (as in a small step for a child to stand on to reach the toilet)
- potty training
plus all three options include visuals for both males and females.
Visuals included are:
- pull trousers down
- lift skirt up
- pull pants down (two versions)
- sit on toilet/potty
- stand in front of toilet/potty
- use the toilet/potty (two versions; sitting and standing)
- take some toilet roll
- wipe yourself (two versions)
- put toilet roll in toilet/potty
- flush toilet (two versions; NOT included in the potty set)
- pull pants up (two versions)
- pull trousers up
- pull skirt down
- wash hands
- dry hands
Print and chop these visuals, then display the relevant ones on the wall next to your toilet or potty to guide someone through the steps needed for independent toileting.
Important - please read!
It's very, very hard to make a generic set of toilet training visuals because everybody will need something slightly different and, most importantly, will use different language. The standard sets of toilet training visuals use words such as 'use the toilet' and 'wipe yourself' - nothing too specific! However, we are very willing to make this set just right for the person using them. If you need us the change the wording or any of the colours (don't forget that we have 7 different skin colour options available) then please just drop us a message before ordering.
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Please note:
By purchasing these visuals you agree to our terms and conditions as detailed in the policies section at the bottom of our website, and on the front of each PDF.
Please respect our small business by not stealing our work.
In short, you may print this PDF as many times as you like, for use in your home, setting or place of work.
You may not: Copy it, change it, share it outside of your own home, setting or place of work, or reproduce it somewhere such as on a website.
Thank you for respecting our work and for helping to raise money for the National Autistic Society.
- Gina Smith, founder of Create Visual Aids.